Bach Bibliography
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Author : Crean, Elise
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Crean, EliseThe Canonic Compositions of Johann Sebastian Bach: An Examination of Their Personal and Historical Context. MA dissertation, Queen's University Belfast, September 2005. 73p diss. 2005 73p
2. Tomita, Yo; Crean, Elise; Mills, Ian (eds.)International Symposium: Understanding Bach's B-minor Mass. Discussion Book 1. Full Papers by the Speakers at the Symposium on 2, 3 and 4 November 2007. School of Music and Sonic Arts, Queen's University Belfast. 2007. x, 356p. [cr]Belfast2007 1 2007 x, 356p
3. Crean, EliseFrom Stölzel to Bach: Practischer Beweiß and the Fourteen Canons. A paper read at the 13th biennial international conference on Baroque music, held at University of Leeds from 2 to 6 July 2008. [p]BICB_Leeds Jul 2008
4. Crean, EliseAlternative agendas in The Musical Offering. A Paper read at the SMI Postgraduate Students' Conference on 19 January 2008 in University College Dublin. [p]SMI-PSC_Dublin Jan 2008
5. Crean, EliseCanonic connections between Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel and Johann Sebastian Bach. A Paper read at the annual meeting of the Society for Musicology in Ireland held at Waterford Institute of Technology, from 9 to 11 May 2008. [p]SMI_Waterford May 2008
6. Crean, EliseNew Perspectives on the Canons of Johann Sebastian Bach. Young Scholars' Forum 2008. UnderstandingBach 3 2008 80-82
7. Crean, EliseG. H. Stölzel's Practischer Beweiss: A Hitherto Unconsidered Source for J. S. Bach's Fourteen Canons. Bach 40 2 2009 1-21
8. Crean, EliseG.H. Stölzel's Practischer Beweiß: A Hitherto-Unconsidered Source for J.S. Bach's Fourteen Canons, BWV 1087. A Paper read at RMA Research Students' Conference, 8-10 January 2009 at King's College London [p]RMA_London Jan 2009
9. Crean, EliseThe Fourteen Canons: Foundation or Culmination? A re-evaluation of their position amongst Bach's late works. A Paper read at the 14th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music held at Queen's University Belfast, 30 June-4 July 2010. [p]BICB_Belfast Jul 2010
10. Crean, EliseThe Fourteen Canons (BWV 1087): Foundation or Culmination? A re-evaluation of their position among Bach's late works. Young Scholars' Forum 2010. UnderstandingBach 5 2010 67-75

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita